Conditions of Membership
1. Only registrations submitted with the appropriate fee will be accepted.
2. Players/parents and children acknowledge that football is a contact sport and accordingly, players/parents and children release and indemnify the Club in respect of any claim whatsoever arising out of any injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of any player participating in any authorised or unauthorised Club football training or game.
3. Although players are covered by FA Group Personal Accident Insurance whilst playing or training, players/parents acknowledge that the Club will not be liable for any cost not covered by the FA Insurance.
4. The Club strongly recommends that you/your children be covered by your own private health insurance.
5. Allocation of players to teams will be at the discretion of the Club. Friendship requests will be considered but are NOT guaranteed.
6. We are a community club with a heavy reliance on parent-support. Over the course of the season we will make reasonable requests to all player-parents to give time freely with activities such as the set-up and pack-up of grounds, team-management and assisting with the club canteen and barbeque. This generosity of time and spirit contributes greatly to a club culture that we all enjoy. If you feel you are unable or unwilling to assist on an ongoing basis please discuss suitable duties with your coach, manager or a committee member.
7. Any refund of the Registration fee will be considered on a case by case basis. Please note that we can only approve a refund from the portion of the Registration Fee paid to Pendle Hill FC. Each of Football Australia, Football NSW and Granville and Districts Soccer Football Association have their own refund policies.
8. The Club reserves the right to suspend or expel any member, player or parent according to the Club's Constitution, rules, regulations, policies, codes of conduct, and any rules, regulations, policies, Code of Conduct or Spectator Code of Behaviour, as set out by Football Australia, Football NSW and Granville and Districts Soccer Football Association.
9. The Club reserves the right to withdraw any player who has not completed all sections of registration or has not paid the appropriate registration fee.
10. Accept that your contact details be released to the Coach, Program Manager, Team Manager and any other necessary party internal to the Club.
11. Registration to Pendle Hill FC implies that you consent for your child's photo to be used for club promotion including our website, Facebook and Instagram unless otherwise advised at time of registration.